Built to last: Tony Hook and Carol (Orange) Schroeder

My introduction to the 9 September 2024 Madison Literary Club Meeting:
Driving from Yosemite to San Francisco recently, Nancy and I briefly visited an Oakdale cafe. The proprietor asked where we were from. I replied Wisconsin, Madison.

"Oh, great. I need to find great cheese, not the ______ we make in California".

I connected him with Hook's Cheese distributor.

That brief conversation made me wonder how Hooks cheese is made including the milk supply and people skills, how they created awareness around the Country, built distribution, their retail experiences including the Dane County Farmer's market and just how they keep it all going.

I've asked Tony Hook to discuss their story: the Art of Hook's cheese.

Another iconic entrepreneur plans to join us and discuss their retail business: Orange Tree Imports. I've asked Carol to give us a brief history of their business, brand building, including motivation, product and experience choices along with the big changes to retail over the past decades and how they have survived and thrived.

Finally I've asked both to reflect and share what they would tell themselves at startup time, knowing all they do today.

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