Today, of course, interesting maps are often just a tap away. Yet, there is something desirable about tactile experiences - something the University of Wisconsin's Robinson Map Library offers at scale. Further, the Library's namesake Arthur Robinson brought an interesting past to his work at the University of Wisconsin:
It’s no coincidence that the post-war era is when Robinson began leaving his mark at UW-Madison.Explore a number of World War 2 museums in Augmented Reality (AR) from the Robinson Map Library:
After heading the map division for the Office of Strategic Services (the forerunner to the CIA) during World War II, and overseeing the drawing of some 5,000 maps for the military, the Canadian-born Robinson came to the geography department. He taught courses in cartography and physical geography from 1945 until his retirement in 1980.
Due to Robinson’s efforts, the department established bachelor’s and master’s degree programs in cartography and named the Map Library after him in 1982.